Michael Reber

About Me.

Senior Linux Security Engineer / Pentester and Developer

As a dedicated unix system engineer and security specialist, I am always interested in the latest topics in the entire field of information technology and therefore always keep my knowledge up to date. I have had the opportunity to demonstrate my know-how and actively support various major customers in Switzerland, including SBB, Post AG, VBS / FUB, Netcloud, IWB, IDW, EBL  and A.Vogel. (A few of many)

One of the key elements in IT is security. It's true, because a company or a system is only as secure as its weakest asset. That's why I also develop solutions for myself and my customers that offer the greatest security in terms of the usability of an infrastructure. Some example would be SIEM and XDR systems based in Elasticsearch. I have now more than 14 years experience in IT-Security, Linux Engineering and Hardening. I run my own private cloud as well as two wiki instances, one public and the other is private. My main goal is to let you benefit from my experience and deep knowledge as well.


Personal Information

  • Name Michael Reber
  • Alias Michu
  • Residence Bern, Switzerland
  • Email michu[@]michu-it.com
  • Consulting Yes, for companies as well as private persons
  • Languages German, English, Bash, Ansible, PHP, Python and Golang


Linux / Windows

Debugging and problem-solving. Best-Practises, repairing and configuration management of various services. Malware prevention and removal, as well as protection of your own data. And so much more...


Hardening of your existing infrastructure; Linux and Windows. Configuration of Web-Application Firewalls based on Mod Security. Setting up hardened reverse proxies with TLS encryption and header security. - Establishing Log-Management, SIEM and XDR systems.

Web Development

Creation of templates or brandings for company applications or CMS systems as well as creating own contend management systems according to the needs of the customers.

Hardware / Soldering

Repairing and maintaining of hardware of any kind. Whether defective smartphones, notebooks, graphics cards or even microwaves. Soldering own devices and building up circuits.


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Contact me.



Bern, Switzerland

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